Promote Healthy Hair with Shirodhara and Nasya Therapy

Everything in the universe is composed of the five elements: space, air, fire, water and earth.

Hair Care these days has become more chemical-centric and less focused on natural and holistic methods. In the ancient times, our grandmas used to rely on natural and effective remedies of applying generous amounts of curd, neem, amla (Indian gooseberry), reetha, and shikakai masks for super-smooth, shiny, and healthy hair. These days, hyped chemical treatments such as hair spas, smoothening, keratin, and botox have taken centre stage, successfully replacing traditional hair care methods.  

But do note that chemical treatments have a lifeline—maybe six months or a year at most. After that, you will again need to spend a fortune to maintain the results. Though you may be in awe of the instant results of these chemical treatments, the internal damage they are causing goes far beyond your realisation. Considering this, more and more individuals, especially women, who have undergone a multitude of chemical treatments are now turning towards holistic hair care approaches. 

Not only are the Ayurvedic hair care approaches effective, but they deliver long-lasting results, both from inside and out. The Shirodhara therapy and Nasya therapy are among the best Ayurvedic hair care treatments, promoting excellent hair health and intense scalp nourishment. Do you wish to know how? Keep reading to discover more information about these treatments:  

Table of Contents

  • Discovering Ayurvedic Hair Care Techniques
  • Understanding the Significance of Shirodhara and Nasya Therapy for Hair Care 
  • How Shirodhara and Nasya Therapy Are Combined? 
  • Post-Therapy Maintenance Tips
  • Choosing the Right Ayurvedic Clinic 
  • Frequently Asked Questions About Shirodhara and Nasya Therapy

Discovering Ayurvedic Hair Care Techniques

Ayurvedic hair care techniques are conventional, time-tested methods offering excellent results. They involve natural solutions that help achieve a balance between our doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—which are responsible for the optimal and healthy functioning of our organs and the entire body. 

These Ayurvedic treatments are deeply rooted in ancient Indian practices, which majorly focus on intense detoxification, deeper nourishment, and excellent personalised care—as your body needs. 

Top ingredients of Ayurvedic treatments for hair care include:

  • Medicated Coconut oil
  • Amla (Indian gooseberry)
  • Rita/Reetha
  • Shikakai
  • Bhringraj
  • Neem

When applied in proper ratio-based mixtures/masks, these ingredients can help prevent hair fall, nourish the scalp from within, prevent breakage, and promote soft and healthy hair locks. 

These Ayurvedic treatments— Shirodhara and Nasya Therapy, go beyond short-term chemical treatments and offer a natural, long-lasting approach to soft, lustrous hair. 

Please note: These therapies suit all hair types and porosity levels. An expert Ayurvedic practitioner will analyse your hair and determine the best approach to treating the issues and damage levels in it.

Understanding the Significance of Shirodhara and Nasya Therapy for Hair Care

Nasya and Shirodhara therapies offer a wide range of benefits for hair health. It uses 100% natural solutions and approaches that will not cause any side effects (until someone is already allergic to any component). Let us discover more about each Ayurvedic hair care therapy: 

Benefits of Shirodhara Therapy for Healthier Hair

In this Ayurvedic treatment, warm herbal (medicated) oils, including sesame, coconut are gently poured in a slow/steady manner over the forehead. Shirodhara therapy includes different techniques such as Taila Dhara, Takra Dhara, Jala Dhara, Kwatha Dhara, and Dugdha (Ksheeradhara), each using specific medicinal liquids for targeted therapeutic benefits. This helps in relieving the stress by calming the mind. This therapy promotes relaxation within the mind and the body, offering benefits such as: 

  • Promotes healthy hair using the benefits of natural medicated oils
  • Enhanced scalp nourishment with increased blood circulation for vasodilation of all the channels
  • Preventing dandruff and damage by promoting balanced scalp moisture
  • Helps reduce hair thinning and scalp issues by balancing the Vata and Pitta doshas

Benefits of Nasya Therapy for Healthier Hair

In this Ayurvedic treatment, medicated oils, juices, or powders are given via the nasal passage to treat and detoxify the head region (ear, nose, and throat). It is highly effective in supporting cognitive, respiratory, and scalp health. Some of the hair care benefits of Nasya include:

  • Stronger and more nourished hair follicles by clearing the toxins in the nasal passages
  • Enhanced relaxation in the mind by detoxifying the head region and promoting scalp health
  • Promotes hair growth by strengthening the nervous system and reducing stress
  • Prevents or delays premature greying of the hair by perfectly balancing Pitta dosha.

How Shirodhara and Nasya Therapy Are Combined?

Your hair health is directly associated with your hair quality and health. When combined, Shirodhara and Nasya Therapy offer mind-blowing results for your mental well-being and overall hair health. On the one hand, Shirodhara takes the external route by calming the mind and relieving stress with medicated oils’ transformative power and aroma. On the other hand, Nasya Therapy takes the internal route of treating scalp conditions and promoting excellent hair health. 

The balanced combination and successful execution of these therapies detoxify the head region and promote strengthened scalp, hair roots, and follicles.  

Post-Therapy Maintenance Tips

Following the post-maintenance care tips is a must for any treatment to last its impact. Below are the must-follow maintenance tips post-Shirodhara and Nasya therapy: 

  • Only use gentle products on your hair.
  • Avoid immediate hair wash for at least 24 hours. 
  • Avoid excessive heat-styling to control damage.
  • Keep yourself hydrated to maintain a cycle of flushing out toxins through the kidneys and urinary tract.
  • Continue regular scalp massages once or twice a week for enhanced blood circulation. 
  • Incorporate overnight-soaked nuts and a nutrient-rich diet for excellent hair health.
  • Regular sleep for 7-8 hours is important in managing the stress and hormonal

imbalance, which are the main causes of hair fall.


You can further practise meditation and yoga to reduce stress and complement the benefits of Nasya and Shirodhara Therapies. 

Sincerely practise these tips and say goodbye to dry, dull, and lifeless hair with Shirodhara and Nasya therapy. 

Choosing the Right Ayurvedic Clinic

Consulting expert practitioners is crucial for the safe and successful execution of Ayurvedic treatments. At Tarunveda Ayurveda Hospital, a well-recognised Ayurvedic clinic in Delhi for Panchkarma treatment, every therapy, including Shirodhara and Nasya, is performed under the careful supervision of the leading Ayurvedic doctors.  

Every individual who visits our clinic is comprehensively analysed, each issue is thoroughly considered, and a personalised treatment plan is curated for the most effective approach. 

So, what awaits you to enjoy and show off those long, thick, and lustrous locks? Visit Tarunveda today and get started on your amazing hair care journey! 

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  • Operating Hours: Monday to Sunday, 08:00 AM to 08:00 PM


Nasya Therapy is specifically performed to treat disorders in the ear, neck, and throat. It is expertly performed by Ayurvedic doctors to enhance cognitive function, boost respiratory function, and promote better scalp health. It further provides relief from migraines, anxiety, breathing issues, congestion, and other issues associated with the head region. 

Shirodhara and Nasya Therapy should not be performed on the same day but can be done on consecutive days to achieve comprehensive benefits for the head region, including improved respiratory health, enhanced cognitive function, and better hair and scalp health.

Shirodhara treatment relieves stress and anxiety, promotes relaxation, and boosts hair health.

Shirodhara Therapy is not suitable for individuals with high-fever, chronic respiratory disorders and in severe neurological conditions precautions should be taken.