Reverse Thyroid Dysfunctions with Virechan Therapy

Everything in the universe is composed of the five elements: space, air, fire, water and earth.

Thyroid problems are common these days. They can cause weight gain, tiredness, and hormone issues. One natural way to help with thyroid problems is through Ayurvedic treatment. Virechan therapy is a well-known Ayurvedic treatment that helps cleanse the body and supports better thyroid health.

Virechan therapy helps to balance hormones and supports good endocrine health. At TarunVeda Ayurveda Hospital, we provide natural treatments like Virechan therapy to help manage thyroid issues. If you are looking for an ayurvedic hospital in Delhi, TarunVeda is the right place to provide natural Ayurvedic care.

Table of Contents

  • What is Virechan Therapy?
  • What is the Thyroid Gland?
  • Doshas and Thyroid Health in Ayurveda
  • How Virechan Therapy Helps Thyroid Problems
  • Benefits of Virechana for Thyroid Health
  • Panchakarma and Thyroid Health
  • Why Choose Ayurvedic Treatment for Thyroid?
  • Frequently Asked Questions About Reverse Thyroid Dysfunctions with Virechan therapy

What is Virechan Therapy?

Virechan therapy is part of panchakarma, a special Ayurvedic detox treatment. This is done by using natural medicines and oils to cleanse the liver and digestive system. 

Virechan therapy is good for thyroid problems because it helps to balance the body’s hormones. By cleansing the body, this therapy supports the thyroid and helps improve endocrine health

What is the Thyroid Gland?

The thyroid gland produces hormones that control the metabolism, growth, and development. It acts to regulate important things in your body, such as your energy, how your body uses food, and how you grow. The thyroid gland makes thyroxine or T4, and triiodothyronine or T3, and calcitonin.

When the thyroid does not work properly, two common complications can develop:

  • Hypothyroidism: This is when the thyroid does not produce enough hormones. It can cause weight increase, tiredness, hair loss, and general slowing down of the bodily functions.
  • Hyperthyroidism: This is when the thyroid produces a huge amount of hormones. Weight loss, nervousness, insomnia, and fast heartbeat are some of the symptoms.

Both these issues can occur and cause health problems if left untreated. Ayurveda provides natural treatments such as Virechan therapy, which helps balance thyroid hormones.

Doshas and Thyroid Health in Ayurveda

In Ayurvedic science, these three doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, once lost their balance, are capable of causing a variety of health problems, most of them related to the thyroid.

  • Excess of Kapha dosha leads to hypothyroidism. This makes a person feel slow to gain weight and feel cold.
  • Too much Pitta dosha brings on hyperthyroidism. This makes you feel hot, lose weight, and are too active.

It is Ayurveda that helps to balance these doshas with changes in food and lifestyle, and other treatments such as Virechan therapy.

How Virechan Therapy Helps Thyroid Problems

The thyroid gland plays a very significant role in maintaining good health. It helps to maintain your weight and energy and how your body uses food. Poor thyroid performance can result in problems like gaining weight, fatigue, and even heart-related issues. Virechan therapy, an Ayurvedic treatment, is used to manage thyroid difficulties by cleansing the body and removing toxins. This normalises thyroid hormones, thus making the body function properly. Most importantly, therapy supports the liver and intestines, which are responsible for metabolising hormones. When the liver is clean and healthy, it helps the thyroid do its job.

Ayurvedic treatment for thyroid dysfunction is done particularly through Virechan therapy, which cleanses the liver and digestive tract of impurities with the aid of herbs and oils. This helps restore the balance of hormones, thereby reducing symptoms such as weight gain or tiredness. Thus, it detoxifies the body and helps absorb nutrition into the body that is required for the thyroid gland. Inflammation and stress, generally associated with thyroid disorders, can also be reduced with this therapy. It is intended and designed to relax the body and mind through good health and energy levels within an individual.

Benefits of Virechana for Thyroid Health

Using Virechana and thyroid health therapy has many benefits for people with thyroid problems. Some benefits include:

  • Detoxification: Virechan therapy detoxifies the body and thereby balances the hormones.
  • Healthy Digestion: Good digestion automatically promotes better thyroid function.
  • Balanced Hormones: Liver cleansing helps naturally maintain thyroid hormone levels.
  • Weight Management: Virechan therapy helps improve the metabolic rate and helps in weight management.
  • More Energy: Detoxification develops better energy levels and fewer feelings of tiredness due to the problem in the thyroid.

Panchakarma and Thyroid Health

Panchakarma in Ayurveda symbolises detoxifying the entire body. Panchakarma is somewhat related to thyroid health because of cleansing the body, which works in regulating thyroid problems.

Panchakarma also comprises oil massages and nasal cleansing, which help balance the body. This, in turn, when the body is devoid of toxins, the thyroid gland works better and is able to produce hormones efficiently.

Why Choose Ayurvedic Treatment for Thyroid?

People act against thyroid dysfunction with Ayurveda because of its natural and safe method. Unlike modern medicines, which depend on chemical consumption, Ayurveda heals the body from the inside. Virechan therapy helps improve digestion, cleanse the body, and balance hormones without any by-effects.

Thinking of personalised care? Visit our Ayurvedic hospital in Delhi. Our natural treatments can help improve your thyroid health without harmful side effects. Give a start to your wellness at home!


The detoxification treatment of Ayurveda is virechan-which bring the balance in thyroid hormones by removal of toxic contents of the body.

The Ayurvedic treatment has rendered only natural therapies aimed at purifying the body, such as Virechan, to balance out the hormonal levels.

Virechan therapy could be used to offset symptoms like weight gain and tiredness by bringing the thyroid hormones into balance.

Yes, Virechan is a non-invasive and absolutely natural therapy to maintain thyroid dysfunction.