Panchkarma - A Complete Solution For PCOD and Infertility

Everything in the universe is composed of the five elements: space, air, fire, water and earth.

Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) is a growing concern among females. The most common cause is hormonal changes, which happen mostly during the reproductive years. This condition typically leads to irregular patterns of menstrual cycles, either lasting many days or less often ( > 9 periods a year). During PCOD, the polycystic ovaries in women become larger in size, containing multiple cysts within. 

PCOD can majorly impact reproductive health, making conception more challenging and affecting fertility. Many women are looking for long-term holistic healing approaches to combat this condition. Below is a comprehensive overview of how panchakarma treatment can provide a complete and natural solution for PCOD and infertility.  

Table of Contents

  • What is Panchakarma Treatment
  • Understanding PCOD and Infertility: Symptoms and Causes
  • How Panchkarma Treatment Benefits Reproductive Health
  • Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations Post Panchkarma Treatment
  • Discover Personalised Panchkarma Treatment Plans
  • Frequently Asked Questions About Panchkarma Treatment

What is Panchakarma Treatment

Panchkarma is a very powerful centuries-old Indian Ayurvedic treatment which offers a holistic approach to healing. According to Ayurveda, bodies are in continuous exposure to toxins that are extremely harmful for our health. They not only impact the optimal functioning of our bodies, but can significantly cause imbalance between our 3 most important doshas— Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. This can, if left untreated, lead to the development of various diseases that will hamper the healthy functioning of the body and impact day-to-day routines.   

Panchkarma treatment aims for restoring the balance between the doshas and help you witness a healthier and revitalised version of yourself. For PCOD, the flow of Panchkarma treatment comprises five actions, including: 

1. Virechana Therapy (Purgation Therapy) 

This Ayurvedic therapy emphasises on balancing the Pitta dosha in the body. Excess Pitta is associated with digestive disorders, constipation, abdominal discomfort, and hormonal imbalance. In the Virechana therapy, an expert Ayurvedic practitioner will carry out intense detox and cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract through a series of therapies to promote better skin, digestion, and overall health. 

2. Vamana Therapy (Therapeutic Emesis)

This Ayurvedic treatment, also known as Vamana Chikitsa, involves the detoxification process through the upper channel of the body. Accumulation of excessive toxins and imbalanced Kapha Dosha, especially during the spring season, can trigger respiratory conditions, obesity, and other associated disorders. During the process, a medicated decoction is given to induce vomiting and expel the waste from the body. 

3. Nasya Therapy (Nasal Instillation) 

This is an important aspect of Ayurvedic treatment where medicated oils or herbaldecoction and other herbal extracts are given via the nasal passage to treat disorders in the throat, ear, and nose to support cognitive, respiratory, and scalp health comprehensively. 

4. Basti (Vasthi) Therapy (Enema Therapy)

This is one of the most important Ayurvedic treatments involving balancing the Vata dosha. Basti therapy is strategically performed with high-quality medicated oils administered via the rectum. It is done for intense cleansing and detoxification by lubricating the colon for seamless waste elimination and treating conditions like arthritis, neurological conditions, digestive issues, and constipation. 

5. Raktamokshana Therapy (Bloodletting Therapy)

This therapy, one of the integral parts of Ayurvedic treatments, aims to balance Pitta dosha and eliminate blood toxins (raktadushya) from the body. Expert Ayurvedic practitioners perform it to treat a range of skin conditions, blood-related disorders, and inflammation.

Understanding PCOD and Infertility: Symptoms and Causes

Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) is a medical condition, often associated with the hormonal imbalance in women. In this condition, a female’s experiences an overproduction of immature eggs in the ovaries, leading to the formation of multiple cysts in the ovaries. PCOD affects 1 out of every 5 women, and needs prompt attention and treatment as it has a direct impact on ovulation, reducing the chances of pregnancy. 

Common causes of PCOD include: 

  • Poor lifestyle
  • Excessive unmanaged stress levels
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Insulin resistance

Symptoms of PCOD are: 

  • Irregular periods (either less than 9 times a year or prolonged periods)
  • Darkening of the skin, especially under the breasts and neck
  • Persistent fatigue
  • Excessive bloating 
  • Hair Loss
  • Weight gain
  • Difficulty losing weight
  • Mood swings or emotional instability
  • Unnatural hair growth, especially around the face and under the chin

How Panchkarma Treatment Benefits Reproductive Health

For women suffering from PCOD, Panchkarma treatment goes beyond the conventional methods and addresses the root cause via 5 actions that aim to restore balance between the 3 doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—all important for optimal functioning and maintaining harmony within the body. 

PCOD is primarily caused by an imbalance of two doshas—Kapha and Vata:

  • When Vata is imbalanced, it can disrupt hormonal flow, leading to an irregular menstrual cycle and improper ovulation. 
  • Kapha rules stability and structure. When it gets imbalanced, it can result in excessive water retention, ovarian cysts, weight gain, and insulin resistance.

Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations Post-Panchkarma Treatment

After undergoing a Panchkarma treatment, you must maintain a well-balanced and highly nutritious supportive diet to reap maximum benefits. Here are some recommendations: 

Diet Recommendations: 

  • Prioritise whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, and barley for achieving stabilised blood sugar levels.
  • Consume healthy fats like olive oil and ghee.
  • Consume fruits and vegetables daily, especially green leafy vegetables to completely detoxify your body.
  • Include high-fibre foods such as beans, legumes, and flaxseeds in your diet to regulate your hormones and enhance digestion for comfort and optimal body functioning. 
  • Say a strict NO to fried processed and oily food items as they might worsen PCOD symptoms and trigger insulin resistance. 
  • Consuming Ayurvedic herbs like Ashwagandha, Cinnamon, and turmeric can help manage PCOD effectively and regulate your metabolism for optimal functioning. 
  • Keep your body hydrated and cool to help smooth digestion and reduce inflammation. You can opt for cucumber, coconut water, melons, and spearmint teas along with 8-10 glasses of water.

Lifestyle Recommendations

  • Regular exercise routine includes a combination of strength training, cardio, and yoga. 
  • Prioritise rest days (when exercising) and always aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep. 
  • Practice stress management techniques and meditation for enhanced healing and emotional balance. 

Last but most importantly, maintain a regular daily routine, also called Dinacharya, for optimal digestion and metabolism.

Discover Personalised Panchkarma Treatment Plans

Are you struggling with PCOD and unable to lose weight despite putting in several efforts? Worry not! It’s time to opt for a deeper holistic healing approach that goes beyond conventional methods and helps restore your body’s natural rhythm. 

At TarunVeda Ayurveda Hospital, we help you achieve fantastic and long-lasting results for an energetic, healthier you! Discover our wide range of strategic Panchkarma healing practises personalised for every individual’s needs. Let us guide you on a journey to manage PCOD and regain control over your health with Ayurvedic Hospital in Delhi.

Why wait any longer? Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you! 


The best Panchkarma actions for treating and healing PCOD include Vamana, Basti, Nasya, Virechana, and Raktamokshana.

Basti in Panchkarma treatment helps enhance fertility in the female body.

Basti or Vasthi Panchkarma treatment should not be done for more than 30 days. 

Imbalances in Kapha and Vata doshas are related to the development of PCOD in the female body which again vitiates Pitta dosha.